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How to Wean Off Alcohol & Safely Taper Drinking

Moreover, substituting one kind of beverage for another does not help you taper off alcohol if you consume the same number of standard drinks as you usually have. For example, one 12-ounce can of beer contains roughly the same amount of alcohol as a 5-ounce glass of wine or a mixed drink containing 1.5 ounces of alcohol. Withdrawal usually begins 6 to 8 hours after the last drink and peaks within 72 hours. Support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous can help reinforce your goals and boost your spirits. Surrounding yourself with those going through the same process you are, and learning the same life lessons you are, can make a big difference in your healing journey.

Challenges of Cutting Down Your Alcohol Intake

This includes early symptoms of alcohol withdrawal, such as mild tremors and anxiety. The reason for this is that alcohol withdrawal symptoms can quickly snowball and worsen. Mild anxiety, for example, can turn into overwhelming agitation or even hallucinations.

should you wean off alcohol

Further, the severity of withdrawal symptoms can cause a person to resort back to drinking alcohol to relieve any symptoms. However, doing so without the guidance of a physician, can complicate tapering and ultimately delay when, if ever, sobriety is reached. Some alcohol withdrawal symptoms can be so severe that they can lead to death. Contact a medical professional immediately if you notice any withdrawal symptoms. Cutting back or completely stopping alcohol consumption is challenging, even if you are not at the point of addiction. The support of medical professionals and psychologists can help you in this process.

Saved Costs and Time

For one thing, it creates tangible goals for the person tapering to reach, helping to build their confidence in themselves and the belief that they can eventually stop drinking completely. The typical warning signs that someone is going to experience Delirium tremens include tremors, an extremely elevated heart rate, and a drastic increase in body temperature. This is because Delirium tremens is caused by hyperactivity in the nervous system, which is now without the depressant effects of alcohol and is instead going into overdrive.

Try expert support, covered by your insurance

  • This will ensure that you are not quitting cold turkey which could result in severe and debilitating  withdrawal symptoms or even death.
  • About 10 percent of people experience more severe symptoms, such as fever, fast breathing, and heavy sweating.
  • The alcohol withdrawal symptom delirium tremens (DT) is estimated to kill up to 5% of those attempting to quit suddenly after chronic usage.
  • By gradually tapering off alcohol, you can lower your risk for alcohol-related accidents or death.
  • Getting professional treatment and long-term support are two of the most valuable strategies for avoiding relapse.
  • Finally, finding a therapist or a recovery coach can help you develop new coping mechanisms and move forward in your life.

For example, a SMART goal could be to reduce alcohol consumption by a certain percentage within a specific timeframe. By incorporating activities that promote overall well-being, individuals can create positive changes in their lives. Regular exercise, adequate sleep, a balanced diet, and stress management techniques can support individuals in their journey to wean off alcohol 1. Engaging in these activities not only helps distract from cravings but also promotes physical and mental health, contributing to a sense of well-being. However, it may spread out the withdrawal symptoms over a longer period of time. The first step in developing a tapering plan is to honestly assess your current alcohol consumption levels.

  • The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
  • Supporting someone who is trying to wean off alcohol can be challenging but incredibly important.
  • However, here is a sample timeline of what the average person can expect.
  • Moreover, substituting one kind of beverage for another does not help you taper off alcohol if you consume the same number of standard drinks as you usually have.

Effects of Tapering Off Alcohol

So, if you normally have 6 beers a day, you could be done tapering within one week. It’s always best to consult a physician on the best strategy, especially if you drink heavily. Some people are facing problems with their health or personal lives which require them to quit immediately. However, for many people with alcohol use disorder, tapering off alcohol is a far Living in a Sober House: Fundamental Rules better experience than quitting abruptly. Whichever method you choose, what is most important is to commit to your alcohol tapering schedule, so you can be sure that you have avoided the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal as much as possible.

should you wean off alcohol

This is a 12 step intervention for alcohol abuse and addiction that can help lead to recovery from alcohol abuse; sober living houses provide mutual sobriety support to help you remain alcohol-free. To learn about how our substance abuse treatment programs address alcohol dependence and withdrawal management, please contact us today. You may receive medication to ease withdrawal symptoms—such as anti-diarrheal medicines or over-the-counter pain relievers. A doctor may prescribe a benzodiazepine as part of the tapering process. All of these withdrawal symptoms are common during acute alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

Tapering off alcohol provides a smoother transition compared to quitting abruptly. Gradually reducing alcohol intake allows the body to adapt to lower levels of alcohol over time. This approach can help prevent or minimize the potentially severe physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms that can occur when stopping suddenly. Withdrawal symptoms typically appear within hours of reducing or stopping alcohol intake.

A final strategy to assist with an alcohol taper is to get a good network of peer support. Ark Behavioral Health offers 100% confidential substance abuse assessment and treatment placement tailored to your individual needs. Here are some tips and strategies for how to taper off alcohol safely. A doctor can supervise your tapering progress, helping you manage your cravings and prevent relapse. Overall, getting professional help can improve your chances for long-term sobriety.

When that numbing sensation disappears entirely, the brain is left dangerously overstimulated. Insomnia, anxiety and paranoia — the opposite effects of alcohol — are the expected results. Thus, a user will likely seek out alcohol again to rid themselves of the uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms.

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